Cat's Dream Cat Sitting

Caring | Transparent | Committed


Contact Us - Detail

We arrange the Meet and Greet meeting at your home after we receive the Contact Us form.

One of the reasons that we at Cat’s Dream Cat Sitting can do such a good job is the care we take getting a good understanding of you and your pets.

At this point, we’ll be able to work with you to put together a service that best caters for you and your pet’s needs.

We do this during our FREE CONSULTATION. The aim of this is to be a relaxed, simple and interactive process where we visit you at your home, meet you and your pets and get to know a bit more about you.

Each pet is very much as an individual as we are. Learning their habits and traits, in addition to yours, will help us appreciate what will or won’t work.  You can show us your pet’s routine, favourite toys, hiding spots, and more. During this meeting, we will work on customizing your pet care.

During the consultation, you may also have some questions for us that we will be happy to answer. If you ask something we don’t know we’ll endeavour to find out for you and get back to you quickly.